What Is A Fixed Screen For Indoors Or Outdoors?

What is a fixed screen and what is an LED fixed screen? This is a medium widely used in indoor and outdoor advertising media, artistic presentations, and information notifications.

How much do you know about them? This blog will lead you to a deeper understanding of these screens.

What Is A Fixed Screen? What Is An LED Fixed Screen?

A fixed LED screen typically refers to a large, non-portable display screen that is permanently installed in a specific location, such as a theater, conference room, or sports arena. These screens are designed to provide a high-quality, immersive viewing experience for audiences.

LED fixed screen:

An LED fixed screen is a type of fixed screen that uses Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology to display images and video. LED screens are known for their high brightness, contrast, and color accuracy, making them ideal for outdoor advertising, large-scale events, and other applications where image quality and visibility are crucial.

How does the LED fixed screen work?

An LED fixed screen is a type of display technology that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to create images and videos on a screen. These screens consist of thousands of tiny LEDs that emit light when an electrical current is passed through them.

The LEDs are arranged in a grid pattern, and each LED can be turned on or off independently, which allows for the creation of high-resolution images and videos.

Applications of the LED fixed screens:

Fixed LED screens are often used in large-scale applications such as outdoor advertising, sports arenas, and concerts, where high brightness and high contrast are needed to provide clear visibility in various lighting conditions.

These screens are also used in indoor environments like conference rooms, retail stores, and control rooms, where high-definition visuals are required for presentations, product showcases, and monitoring purposes.

What is a fixed screen for indoors or outdoors? The following will introduce the characteristics and differences between indoor and outdoor LED screens.

Indoor LED Fixed Screen vs. Outdoor LED Fixed Screen: Characteristics and Differences

Indoor LED Fixed Screen Characteristics:

Indoor LED fixed screens are designed for indoor use and come with the following characteristics:

High resolution:

Indoor fixed LED screens have a high pixel density, resulting in a sharp and clear image even when viewed up close.

For example, the P3 fixed screen of the LED display panel has a Pixel Pitch of 3mm. Even when viewed at close distances, things look great on the screen.


High contrast ratio:

These screens can display a wide range of colors with high contrast, providing a vivid and immersive viewing experience.

Low brightness:

Indoor LED fixed screens do not need to be as bright as outdoor screens since the ambient light levels indoors are lower.

For example, the brightness of the P3 fixed LED screen is 500 nits. With low brightness and high grayscale contrast, things on the screen will appear in a very natural tone.

Smaller size:

These screens are usually smaller than outdoor screens and have a finer pixel pitch, allowing for a higher-resolution display in a smaller area.

Quieter operation:

Indoor fixed LED screens operate at a lower brightness level and have quieter cooling systems, making them suitable for quiet indoor environments.

Outdoor LED Fixed Screen Characteristics:

Outdoor fixed LED display screens are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and come with the following characteristics:

High brightness:

Outdoor LED fixed screens need to be much brighter than indoor screens to overcome the ambient light levels outdoors.


For example, the brightness of the outdoor LED fixed screen Taurus T Series of Kingaurora is mostly above 8000. This means that the contents of the screen can be clearly seen even in bright sunlight. This is ideal for outdoor environments.

Wide viewing angle:

These screens can be viewed from a wide angle, making them suitable for large outdoor audiences.


Outdoor fixed LED screens are water-resistant and can withstand heavy rain, making them suitable for outdoor events in wet weather.


These screens are built to withstand harsh weather conditions and are designed to last for many years with minimal maintenance.

Large size:

Outdoor LED fixed screens are usually larger than indoor screens and have a wider pixel pitch, allowing for a larger display area with a lower resolution.

Do The LED Fixed Screens Cost A Lot Of Electricity?

Will fixed screens consume a lot of electricity? Kingaurora's products won't cost a lot of your electricity bill. Its patented energy-saving IC + energy-saving "three-in-one" lamp beads can provide 8000-10000 nits of brightness, and the average power consumption is only 100W/m². These LED lights will save you energy by up to 40%-50%.

Take the outdoor fixed LED display screen Taurus T Series as an example, it can save you a lot of cost in the long term:

LED fixed screens typically have higher upfront costs compared to traditional display screens, but they can save you money in the long term. In the long run, fixed LED screens can offer significant cost savings and other benefits. Here are some long-term considerations to keep in mind:


Higher ROI:

LED fixed display screens can help increase revenue by attracting more customers or viewers. For example, a business that uses a fixed LED screen for advertising can reach a larger audience and increase brand recognition, resulting in higher sales and ROI.

Lower environmental impact:

LED fixed screens are more environmentally friendly than other types of display screens since they consume less energy and have a longer lifespan.

For example, Kingaurora's Taurus T Series uses energy-saving technology and has a lifespan of up to 100,000 hours, reducing waste and energy consumption.

Final words:

What is a fixed screen? LED fixed screens are known for their energy efficiency, long lifespan, and high durability, making them a popular choice for businesses and organizations looking for reliable and cost-effective display solutions.

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